
muniSERV connects municipalities with service providers, professionals and consultants. They also help these professionals showcase their services to the municipalities, creating and facilitating connections between the right people at the right time to drive business development and opportunities. muniSERV also helps smaller municipalities post bids through their muniSERV account, which helps them reach more potential suppliers. We are proud to partner with muniSERV and the municipalities they serve.


Builterra is a civil engineering software provider that developed a contract administration platform which meets the needs of the construction industry. They work to connect the entire contract administration team through their platform with the aim of boosting productivity, transparency and profit. bids&tenders is pleased to offer integration with the Builterra platform to facilitate the entire contract administration process on your construction projects.

Ontario General Contractors Association (OGCA)

Since its foundation in 1939 with just 11 members, the OGCA has grown into the largest representative association in the construction agency. The OGCA works to build Ontario by helping its members deliver excellence in construction in the industrial, commercial and institutional sectors. Small, medium and large firms make up their membership. View their website to learn more about how to become a member and why you should consider hiring an OGCA member for your job.

Grand Valley Construction Association (GVCA)

The GVCA exists to create a supportive environment for its members. The GVCA helps members with challenges and requirements of the construction industry, and membership includes industry stakeholders from across central and southwestern Ontario. View their website to learn more about how to become a member.

Ontario Public Buyers Association (OPBA)

The OPBA is a not-for-profit professional association that represents public procurement professionals all over Ontario. The OPBA promotes the ethical and effective expenditure of public funds. They are a volunteer-driven organization that includes purchasing professionals from all levels and areas of the public sector. Visit their website to learn more about how to become a member.

Supply Chain Management Association (SCMA)

The SCMA is the largest supply chain management professional organization in Canada. SCMA sets standards for excellence and ethics, and represents 7,500 members and their broader professions, including procurement. bids&tenders is a proud sponsor of the SCMA national conference.